Timo's Oven...Because I can!

Pizza Party Pics!

General — Posted by timo @ 14:01

Here are some pictures from the big Neighborhood Pizza Party.  People stopped in at different times. I was surprised a few people tried new pizzas all together.

 I was very glad the weather cooperated, but toward the end it got pretty darn cold out. Thanks to the Bloomquists for helping out at the end to clean up and organize.



Here's a shot of me doing what probably made my back give out a bit. Too much leaning in and stooping down to keep an eye on the pizza. To many words between glances at the pizza and it was a completely, charred wreck. Lesson learned.





As my wife described it, "Every guy had to stick his head in the oven to see the fire!" That's OK. Pizza and fire is a guy thing.



Here's a shot of some of the pizzas from the day. Some of the dough really shot up in the oven, making some giant bubbles to pop up and get charred. Ummmm, charrrrr.





I am glad to have a picture like this. I was covered with flour and tired and my back hurt, but 20 years from now I'll remember this time.


For all you budding pizza oven builders, notice there's no smoke coming from the chimney, just clean hot exhaust.


What kid doesn't like pizza? But where's the pizzaiola?





Next up is Thanksgiving. Hoping for a turkey, fresh ham, bread, pizza the night before, and perhaps apple turn-overs the morning of. Need to start planning now...

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